
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Church Bulletin September 14, 2014

Lighthouse Bible Church
Hunter, New York
519.750.8170 (Pastor Dan @ home) 

Welcome as you join with us
in our weekly time of praise and worship
God so loved the world!
 Let’s praise Him forever!
Opening hymn    337 I Know Whom I Have Believed
Greeting song 595 Send the Light
Announcements :
**Second Sunday Movie Night TONIGHT 6-8 pm :GOD IS NOT DEAD
You are invited to bring some finger foods or beverages to share.
**Pot Luck Dinner and Quarterly Meeting
Wednesday 9/24/14 6-8 pm : We will be planning calendar events for the fall and Christmas season, discussing children/youth outreaches, budget items, and suggestions in preparation for our annual meeting on October 19th

Hymn: 451 Tell It to Jesus
*** Sermon: The Spirit-Filled Life  Galatians 5:19-25
Closing Hymn  #317 Only Trust Him
 The Lord is my LIGHT and my salvation. ---Psalm 27:1